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Tips To Achieve Sales
By Irais Vazquez


During my 17 years of experience in the tourism field I have faced different situations to close sales, this is because not all clients are the same.

Some know 100% what they want for their trips and are easy to convince, some others have no idea where to travel and it is a difficult job to quote several destinations and convince the client that one of them is the best option.

With the experiences generated I have been able to learn strategies for a more effective sales closing.

Some of the tips I can share are:

Love to sell

You must love to sell and listen to customers, since we will be their confidants from the moment they tell you where they want to go, what they would like to see, taste, feel.

If you really love to make passengers' dreams come true everything will be very easy to achieve.

"Remember that the best salesman is passionate, tireless and persistent."

Beat ignorance

While it is true that as travel consultants we do not know all the places clients want to travel to, we must take care to train ourselves in the products we offer in the agency.

By having a deep knowledge of the product, it will be easier to convince the passenger and we will give confidence to contract with us.

"This way you will never make a mistake such as telling the passenger that the lacquered duck dish is typical of Canada".

Security in us

When attending a passenger either by phone or in person, we must project confidence in our attitude and in each of the words we say.

This security that we project is the same security that the client will have when seeing his trip come true.

It is not valid to say "NO SE" or "PERMIT ME A MOMENT".

Difference of our products

Many times we say that price is the reason why customers do not buy from us, however, we must offer a guarantee that when they make their trip with us they will have some advantage that no other operator will give them, I would call this a relationship of love and trust.

Love because as a seller you make the client fall in love with your package and make him feel that it is 100% of what he needs.

Trust the passenger will put his illusions in your hands and knows that you will be able to solve any problem. With this established relationship you are able to make the passenger want to book the services you offer and not focus so much on their money.

"Give them love, solve their problems and you will get your sale."

All customers are important

We must be aware that any client that contacts us is important regardless of whether they only require a plane ticket or a trip to Asia, Europe or a cruise.

If we make the client feel important and that we are really concerned about meeting their expectations, they will be satisfied with the options we present to them and they will most likely take their vacations with us.

If upon returning from their vacation, you met all the client's expectations, congratulations! you will have a captive client.

For a captive customer to make a second purchase with us will be even easier and best of all you will get the most effective promotion in the world, word of mouth promotion.

"Never look down on, or judge people by the way they dress, talk or act."

In closing, I would like to tell you that we should not be afraid of any obstacle in the advice we can offer to clients. Every situation I have experienced has made me learn to get to know each client and to know how to object with grounds and knowledge to the questions the client asks.

The most valuable is that you must always remain positive despite rejection, committed and love your work.

You have to live the best moments...!